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The Use and Misuse of Social Science Research in Nepal - J. Gabriel Campbell, Ramesh Shrestha, Linda Stone - Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal


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   The Use and Misuse of Social Science Research in Nepal - J. Gabriel Campbell, Ramesh Shrestha, Linda Stone - Nepal
The Use and Misuse of Social Science Research in Nepal
Author: J. Gabriel Campbell, Ramesh Shrestha, Linda Stone


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  The Book

Over 30 years ago the authors of this book produced a provocative critique of survey research methods that were widely used for development planning in Nepal. Their innovative study demonstrated that survey methods generated significantly inaccurate and misleading data. This work further exposed numerous socio-cultural and linguistic factors that accounted for this high accumulation of non-sampling errors in the survey process. Today in Nepal and elsewhere, national and international development agencies continue to rely heavily on survey research to guide their policies, plans and projects. This second edition of The Use and Misuse of Social Science Research in Nepal re-opens the important issues of how and why survey methods must be modified and supplemented with other methods in order to produce valid and useful data in the context of developing countries such as Nepal. This current edition of the book includes Foreword by Prof. Chaitanya Mishra and Preface and Introduction, which places the original study in a contemporary perspective with respect to theory and practice in social sciences.


J. Gabriel Campbell, Ph.D, is Senior Fellow at The Mountain Institute and was Director General of International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) from 2000 to 2007. He has worked as a development anthropologist in the Himalayas with a number of international agencies and published extensively on social sciences and development in Nepal and Asia.

Linda Stone, Ph.D, is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Washington State University in the United States. At the time of this study she was visiting Research Fellow at Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. She has published a number of books and articles on Nepalese studies.

Ramesh Shrestha, M.A., was a lecturer of English at Department of English and researcher at Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University at the time of this study. He's been living in Thailand since 1980 and currently spends his time in Bangkok and Kathmandu (

Chaitanya Mishra, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology at Central Department of Spciology and Anthropology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. He has been engaged as a teacher and researcher for the last 27 years with a number of publications.

“I have found “ The Use and Misuse of Social Science Research Methods in Nepal” is very useful in my career and to my students. I have used this book as a text for graduate students (particularly in agricultural economics) at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. The book is particularly helpful to researchers in the context of developing countries like Nepal where there are high chances of data distortions through non-sampling errors. Although I have widely referred to this book, surprisingly, in my observation, many social science students in Nepal are not aware of it. I strongly recommend it as a required textbook for students of social science in universities and colleges as well as for practitioners who seek high quality social science research. A great book and welcome reprint.”
– Prem Bhandari, PhD
Assistant Research Scientist Population Studies Center, University of Michigan, and Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Social and Environmental Research-Nepal, Fulbari, Chitwan

“This book is the first book that has described how social science research can be used and also misused in Nepal for development planning. If misused, then plans and policies can be also lead in wrong directions, which is very expensive for a resource poor country like Nepal. Thus, this book is very useful for researchers, planners and policy makers.”
– Ganesh Gurung Ph.D.

e Member, National Planning Commission, Nepal.

“The use of a highly Sanskritized survey language of and by the dominant Brahman-Chhetri elite of Nepal has persistently disenfranchised other ethnic groups, women and Dalits. This has reduced their ability to be full citizens and equal agents of their own development. Though some of the analysis is dated, the message of this book is even more relevant today if Nepal is to achieve the inclusive society it now seeks.”
– Lynn Bennett Ph.D
Anthropologist and Consultant World Bank, Nepal

“This book addresses sociological, anthropological and linguistic key issues in social science surveys. It examines how ethnic, cultural and linguistic differences influence concepts and techniques in survey data-gathering. After all, survey data collection is essentially a communication process that sharpens the survey tools. Hence this work is a must for social scientists.”
–Prof. Nirmal Man Tuladhar
Chair, Social Science Baha
Former Executive DirectorCNAS, Tribhuvan University


Book  .


Publication: Mandala Book Point, 2011
Number of Pages: 154+
ISBN: 978994655151

Inclusive of airmail charges [Worldwide]


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