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Trekking - Trekking in Nepal, Nepal Trekking, Trekking


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BOOKS ON::Trekking::
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Sherpas Bouddhistes
Author: Henri Sigayret > Buddhism

Ce livre traite des Sherpas, minuscule ethnie de l’Himalaya. Il decrit l’etonnant passé de ces homes. Il raconte la vie qui a ete la leur pendant des siecles, celle qu’ils ont (Read More..)

LE KHUMBU ses montagnes, ses sherpas, ses treks
Author: H. Sigayret > French Language

Le Khumbu est une region de l'Himalaya du Nepal ou'se trouvent des montabnes qui sont parmi les plus prestigieuses de la terre. Elles se nomment Ama dablang, Cholatse, Cho Oyu, Kangteka, Lhotse, Nupts (Read More..)

The Great Himalayan Trail: A Pictorial Guide
Author: Robin Boustead > Mountaineering

This stunning book will show you places you never dreamed still existed. Nepal is the most mountainous country on earth and hides many secrets in a maze of remote valleys where small communities have (Read More..)

Avec Zimba le Sherpa - Randonnees au Nepal
Author: Rotert Reiffel > Nepal

A yant effectue au cours des vingt-six dernieres annees non moins de 32 randonnees ont 26 au Nepal et les autres au Sikkim, Bouthan, Ladkh et Zansker, l’auteur presente une synthese d’un (Read More..)

Trekking in Nepal: A Traveler's Guide
Author: Stephen Bezruchka > Trekking

Completely updated and expanded, the seventh edition of the best-selling TREKKING IN NEPAL: A TRAVELER'S GUIDE by Stephen Bezruchka, sends trekkers to Nepal equipped with comprehensive information on (Read More..)

TheGauri Shankar Trekking Area (including Rowaling): A Cultural Tour book
Author: Patricia East, Susan Hoivik, Max Petrik, Sara Shneiderman & Mark Turin > Trekking

What trekker doesn't dream of getting off the beaten track? Of escaping the congestion of the main 'tea-house' trekking routes and experiencing the real Nepal?

Untouched yet easily accessible, the (

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