If all the books on mountains were stacked on top of another, they would probably rival the heights of the peaks. Countless volumes on climbers and mountaineers are available in several languages. But
Their achievement provided one answer to the many questions about high-altitude survival which had been asked from the beginning of the century. Their climb was the culmination
Many disenchanted Westerners have gone to the Himalayas in search of renewal, but no one has written about the experience as perceptively and as personally as Andrew Stevenson. A traveler all his life
This stunning book will show you places you never dreamed still existed. Nepal is the most mountainous country on earth and hides many secrets in a maze of remote valleys where small communities have
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the triumph f Mount Everest, the Himalayan trust Advisory committee takes pride in presenting this volume, a tribute to Sir Edmund Hillary from the Sherpa people o
He Worked in a half light, huge and cheerful, his movement not so much graceful as unshakably assured, his energy almost demonic. He had a tremendous, bursting, elemental infectious, glorious vitality