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Buddhism - Religion, Nepal, Newars, Culture


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A Buddhist Guide to the Power Places of the Kathmandu Valley
Author: Keith Dowman > Buddhism

Contents: Foreword. 1. Kimdol Vihara. 2. Swayambhu Stupa. 3. Santipur. 4. Manjusri Hill. 5. Vipaswi's Stupa. 6. Nagarjuna Hill. 7. Kasyapa's Stupa. 8. Bidjeswori Bajra Jogini. 9. Karnadip Smasana. 10. (Read More..)

A Nagor Mandala Collection
Author: Lokesh Chandra, Musashi Tachikawa, Sumie > Tibetan Buddhism

Scholars of the Ngor Monastery belonging to the Sa skya School of Tibetan Buddhism started to compose a systematic work of theories and practices of Indian and Tibetan mandalas in 1870 and finished it (Read More..)

Bonpo Dzogchen Teachings According to Lopon Tenzin Namdak
Author: Transcribed and edited, together with Introduction and Notes, by John Myrdhin Reynolds. > Buddhism

Nowadays there are two principal philosophical traditions followed by Tibetan Lamas. The first is found among the Sarmapas, or Newer Schools, employing the Prasangika Madhyamaka view of Chandrakirti, (Read More..)

Contested Hierarchies: A collaborative Ethnography of Caste Among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Author: Edt. David N. Gellner & Declan Quigley > Newars

The urban civilization of the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley provides a paradigm for the study of caste and Hindu kingship. In this book, six anthropologists, in a genuinely collaborative internationa (Read More..)

Eye of the Storm: Vairotsana's Original Transmissions
Author: Translation and Commentary by Keith Dowman > Buddhism

(Foreword by Bhakha Tulku Pema Rigdzin)
'The five texts translated from Tibetan into English in this book are
considered the first transmission of Dzogchen Ati to Tibet (Snga 'gyur
lnga). They cons (

Gods & Goddesses: An Illustrated account of Hindu, Buddhist, Tantric, Hybrid and Tibetan deities
Author: T C Majupuria, Rohit Kumar > Religion

Contents: (i) Some unique gods and goddesses (ii) Hindu deities (iii) Major;Hindu deities (iv) Buddhist deities (v) Hybrid and tantric dieties (vi) Tibetan deities.; (Read More..)

Author: Sylvie GRAND-CLEMENT > French Language

Tibet, Univers minéral ou la terre rejoint le ciel, ou les chevaux du vent emportent les prières, ou chaque lieu est empreint d'une force mystique.

Pour certains il appartient au rêve, m (

Monk, Householder, and Tantric Priest: Newar Buddhism
Author: David N. Gellner > Buddhism

Many misconceptions circulate in the West about Tantric religion, whether Buddhist or Hindu, mainly because scholars have relied exclusively on textual sources. Here, for the first time, is an account (Read More..)

Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Po
Author: David N. Gellner, Joanna Ptait-Czarnecka > Anthropology

Nepal is the only officially Hindu Kingdom in the world and has remained so through successive changes of political regime. Since the nineteenth century it has experienced the autocracy of the Ranas, (Read More..)

Old Man Basking in the Sun: Longchenpa's Treasury of Natural Perfection
Author: Translation and Commentary by Keith Dowman > Buddhism

(Foreword by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu)
Dzogchen is the apotheosis of Tibetan Buddhism and Longchenpa is the
pre-eminent master of Dzogchen and one of Tibet's greatest mystical poets.
The verses of his (

Old Man Basking in the Sun: Longchenpa's Treasury of Natural Perfection
Author: Forwarded by Chogyal namkhai Norbu, Translation by Keith Dowman > Tibetan Buddhism

A new translation and commentary by Keith Dowman on Longchenpa's Treasury of Natural Perfection. Dzogchen is the apotheosis of Tibetan Buddhism and Longchenpa is the pre-eminent master of Dzogchen and (Read More..)

Ratnakar Mahavihara: A Vajrayana Buddhist Monastery of Patan
Author: Shanker Thapa, Indra Kumari Bajracharya > Buddhism

This book is about Vajrayana Buddhist Vihar of Nepal. It is situated in Patan. Since Vihara is very important in Newar Buddhism, the book focuses on theoretical aspect of Vihara in Buddhism. The book (Read More..)

Religions in Nepal
Author: T C Majupuria, Rohit Kumar > Religion

Retheorizing Religion in Nepal is an engaging and thought-provoking study of religion in South Asia, with important insights for the study of religion and culture more broadly conceived. Grieve uses e (Read More..)

Riddum: The Voice of Ancestors
Author: MARATINO NICOLETTI > Shamanism

One day, the aged shaman Sancha Prasad Rai told me the
story of his poople. The story that even today the elders of

the Kulunge Rai tribe hand down orally from grnerations to geranations, (Read More..)

Author: MARATINO NICOLETTI > Shamanism

An itinerary- only apparently circular - furrows the universe of Kulung Rai shamanism in Nepal. A nomadic religion, generated within the space of a double geography that weaves vivid visionary foresho (Read More..)

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